Heart Thoughts During Quarantine

Heart Thoughts During Quarantine

    HGTV is a frequent channel I visit and COVID-19 has allowed even more time to binge-watch Chip and Joanna Gaines. Thanks to this dynamic duo, I’ve become well-versed in the modern and rustic household word, shiplap. Shiplap creates character inside the home.  What I’ve learned is that the key to a beautiful finish is the preparation of the surface, which is the sanding. The goal of this crucial step is to sand down all splinters and imperfections and create smooth edges. Without sanding the wood, you risk the outcome of all your hard work being the best it can be. For the boards to look brand new, some things will need to be sanded off. I believe this corona climate is doing just that in all of our lives. And, if we are willing to go through the sanding process of taking off all the rough edges, God will create a masterpiece out of it. In doing so, we are forced to sink our roots down deep into who God is and it’s going to make us even stronger.

    During that sanding process, we also have the opportunity to show grace to ourselves and others. We are in an unusual season and an unusual season requires unusual amounts of grace.

Grace in our emotions.

Grace in our relationships.

Grace in our routine.

Grace in our timeline.

Grace in our measure of success.

    However, we cannot eliminate our edges in isolation. Even though we are forced into solitude at the moment, we have to extend out and let others walk alongside us as we strip away our imperfections. The goal isn’t to achieve perfection, because we never will, but to become more and more like Jesus every day. I believe this is the process that God wants to take us through in this quarantine season. He wants to refine us and sand us down so that we come out of this looking brand new. So, I don’t think we should fix our minds on “getting through this” rather we should be shifting the conversation towards “thriving through this” and becoming better people and better followers of Christ.

    If I am honest, it has been much easier to “task,” watch TV, and lounge on my phone. Who’s with me? It is vulnerable and a bit intimidating to dig into this, to better our minds, to journal, to start intentional conversations, to address the feelings that arise, to heal from hurts and wounds. But, God is calling us to lean into those things and begin to sand down our edges.

    I didn’t want to leave you with my thoughts without offering some type of tangible steps in this area. I am speaking to myself as well when I say I believe these steps can help begin the sanding process: 

  • Start your day journaling, reading your Bible, and praying before you even look at your phone! Really lean into this and bring all your hurts and disappointments before God. 
  • Limit the news to only the necessary guidelines. This helps with anxiety and worry. 
  • Seek accountability and encouragement from your friends and/or family.
  • Time block your days: working, exercise, chores, and relax time. This will help to eliminate dangerous idle time. 
  • Make sure you get some vitamin D, whether that's going on your back porch, on a walk, or through opening your windows. Our physical and mental health is strongly linked to our spiritual health. 
  • Ask your husband, wife, family member, boyfriend/girlfriend or roommate how you can support them during this time. 
  • Play worship music in your house all day. 

          New seasons are here and inner growth is never wasted. So, we take it day by day and push forward. Our God is a God of seasons, but God never intended for us to stay in seasons. He intended for us to cycle through them. We aren't made to stay in them, but to move through them. Spring can come again and rough edges can be smoothed down. 

          You’ve heard my thoughts now I want to hear yours. What are your thoughts during this time? I want to hear about YOU! In the comments below, tell me one thing you have learned in this season. ♡


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